Thursday, August 29, 2019

49. Familiar Typography

On every trip to Maine—and they haven't been often lately—I take the obligatory shot of the top of the Tondreau Block—the brick building constructed after the fire of 1926 to house Tondreau's Market, one of businesses owned by Adjutor E. Tondreau (aka Grandpa) and his brother. The typography is OK; the serif caps aren't beautifully letter spaced, but it's our/my name and it never gets old.

Interestingly, the carved letterforms on the headstone for the graves of my grandparents and aunts are sort of an uncial and a little bit deco looking—unlike the roman caps serifs one would expect. I wonder how my relatives chose the letterforms. I love the fact that the grave is in the Catholic (mostly French Canadian) cemetery for people who were immigrants who spoke a different language and weren't normally as schooled as "The Anglos."

(for August 28, 2019; posted August 29, 2019)

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