Monday, December 30, 2019

93. End of year wisdom from Shams, the Coffee Guy

Today, December 30, 2019, Shams, who's in his coffee cart come wind, rain, heat or snow—and who's the father of five accomplished children (a doctor, a pharmacist, a?, a?, and a high school student), got a call from Afghanistan that his uncle, his father's brother, died. Shams's uncle had been ill and in bed for two months. After Shams answered my question about his uncle's age—75—Shams noted that if it's your time, your age doesn't count.

As my cohort and I get older, becoming The Old Guard, I'm more than ever of the ravages of time. But Shams is right. Age is a number, but if you're number's up, it's up. So, at the end of this year as I find myself irritated at things that waste my time, I remind myself to just say no.

Maybe the year 2020 will bring me closer to 2020 vision.

Carpe Diem.

(Originally slated for October 13, 2019; posted December 30, 2019).

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