Sunday, September 8, 2019

60. Vintage Bermuda

Vintage Bermuda sounds a bit more playful than perhaps it was for my father in the 1940s. Before Dad, a Lieutenant Junior Grade in the Navy, was a ship's doctor an LST in the South Pacific in World War II, he was briefly stationed in Bermuda. At that point, he was still pretty much a newlywed and most likely sent souvenirs to our mother.

The scarf we found while emptying our parent's house is so playful that it's hard to imagine Dad sent it from the Naval Base during WWII. The planes in the left middle look like birds instead of warplanes. The border art is charmingly relaxing—and the Latin motto of "Quo Fata Ferum"—"Whither the Fates Take Us"—seems equally calm about surrendering to whatever life throws at one (luckily, the Fates took Dad to the South Pacific and back to the U. S. and safety).

Although I imagine the scarf is from Dad's service time in Bermuda and the "Copyright the Yankee Store" meant it was a spot where servicemen could buy souvenirs (if wartime gifts sent home can be called "souvenirs") to their beloveds, I can't find this scarf or anything similar online to confirm my assumptions. My folks are no long around to answer questions. Any ideas, anyone out there?

(For September 8, 2019; posted 2019)

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