Thursday, August 22, 2019

42. Bank it

"Bank it. Put it on the page." This from a very raspy and somewhat-rascally David Lee Roth to Debbie Millman in one of her Design Matters podcasts.

For the passively-diligent like me, the trick is to go out and about and have things to bank—or to go out of the normal mazeway to see what's bankable. Many brilliant artists made the world around them—however seemingly small—their own specific and fascinating universe.

Someone like Natalia Ginzburg, the subject of an article by Joan Acocella in the July 29, 2019 issue of The New Yorker, managed to write brilliantly about the quotidian (although, of course, her family of accomplished anti-Fascist intellectuals had a lot of historical actions to "bank").

(For August 21, 2019)

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