Friday, August 16, 2019

37. Finding new ways

We interrupt these birthday week posts to include a quote from Gloria Steinem's 2015 book, My Life on the Road.

"You're always the person you were when you were born . . . You just keep finding new ways to express it."

The above great quote from a ninety-eight-year-old Ziegfeld Girl whom Steinem met on a plane years ago, was prompted by Steinem's learning the woman was on her way to New York "to dance in an AIDS benefit on Broadway with her hundred-and-one-year-old friend from chorus girl days—something they've been doing since the tragedy of AIDS . . . ." and asking the woman how she remained herself "all these years."

I wonder who the two elderly showgirls were. Wikipedia states that Doris Eaton Travis died on May 11, 2010 at the age of 106. (Travis's biography is a wonder in itself. Among other things, well after her theatrical career, in 1992, at age 88, Travis graduated cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Oklahoma.) Millicent Drahorad died in either 2012 or 2103 at 102.

(For August 16, 2019)

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