The "Camera as Pen" chapter of Rick Poynor's book Typographica shows an absolutely brilliant photo taken by Herbert Spencer (Rome,1961). Incised roman capitals coexist with neon signs and scripts for both "Totocalcio" and "Coca Cola." Favolosissimo.

Typographica the book, published by the Princeton Architectural Press (2003), is Poynor's tribute to the magazine Typographica. Founded by the British typographer Herbert Spencer from 1949–1967, Typographica the magazine was "edited and designed from the first issue to the last, by Spencer alone. . . . Typographica was created in [Spencer's] studio, where he enjoyed a degree of autonomy in deciding its content, direction, physical composition and long-term evolution that [Poynor writes] was comparatively rare in periodical publishing at the time . . . ."
I'm editing the BTD library; the book is up for grabs.
Photo shot from book and used without permission.
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