Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The future has nuts and caramel

Obviously I am still not over this brilliant ad campaign from Snickers—now you can translate anything into Snacklish!
(Between now and September 7, Snickers is doing a matching grant with Feeding America, so if you donate through their portal your gift will be doubled)

Our blog:

And of course:


1 comment:

Beth Tondreau said...

Caramellorto! Guffaw!

There must be a way to work in a nut space somehow (arcane typographical terms meet Snacklish).

(I checked my memory by going online and oddly enough, I found corroboration from http://www.microsoft.com/typography/developers/fdsspec/spaces.htm: "In a noisy printing shop the en quad was called a 'nut' so it would not be confuse with the em quad.")