Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Always working never creating

As more and more brilliant designers generate their own products, fonts, films, I review what I do and what I have to say or show for myself. So, it was vaguely—but only vaguely—reassuring to read, in the New York Times Book Review, about "the year that changed literature." Weirdly, that year was almost a century ago.

The key phrase to me was "always working, never creating"—from the paragraph below.
The reigning theme of “The World Broke in Two” is writer’s block, treated as an anthropological constant. These modernists, in Goldstein’s hands, often resemble graduate students at the moment you least want to encounter them. “Lawrence had been writing during that year, as Virginia Woolf had, but he had not been successful at writing the fiction that mattered to him,” and “that defined Lawrence to himself, just as Virginia’s anxiety about her delay in finishing ‘Jacob’s Room’ defined Woolf to herself. They shared, as Eliot did, the frustrating conundrum Forster had described but had for too long been unable to escape: always working, never creating.” Lawrence’s struggle with “Kangaroo,” Woolf’s with “Mrs. Dalloway,” Forster’s with “A Passage to India” and even Eliot’s with “The Waste Land” could be that of anyone working on a dissertation.

Cheerio! Gotta get to work—or to creating  . . . .

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