Sunday, July 28, 2019

17. Notes on "Notes on Camp," which inspired Camp

The jaunt my Pittsburgh niece and I took through The Met's exhibit "Camp" was a bit blocked by the crowds (duh! when is it not at prime-time on a Friday afternoon on a hot Summer's day?), so I'll have to return for a more sole and more sane look. In the meantime, my initial responses are:
1. The history is fascinating (I didn't know Louis XIV was called The Sun King because he performed as the sun, nor did I know about the Chevalier d'Eon—an aristocrat, diplomat, soldier, spy and androgyne, who lived for 49 years as a man and 33 years as a woman)
2. Most gender seems to be fluid. Everything is topsy-turvy, ultimately.
3. It took a lot of craftspeople—most likely not compensated well—to enable those who lived the Camp life and posed their Camp teapot poses to flaunt what they had.
4. To LOVE the items that illustrated Susan Sontag's "Notes on Camp."

From "Camp" at The Met. Left: Conscious Camp in Viktor and Rolfe's upside-down dress of 2006.Right: Unconscious Camp in Lanvin-Castillo's synthetic tulle dress of 1956.

(For July 27)

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