Sunday, August 29, 2010

Funnel Ball

The playground near our house has a Funnel Ball setup...I've never played, have you? You throw the ball up in the cup and it will spin around and come out randomly through one of the 4 exits. The holes score points (2, 4, 6, and 8 points).

In any case, it's got some beautiful lettering on it, and has a beautiful shape.


Beth Tondreau said...

I love the instructions (watch out for kindergartners!) and the moral tag at the end:

. . .1. Watch out for kindergartners. Yes, they're shorter, but make sure you pass to them, too, so they will be participating and not just running around watching the older kids play.
2. When passing, call out the name of the person you're passing to. Make sure they're looking at you when you pass the ball to minimize chances of accidentally hitting them with the ball.
3. Run slowly and pay attention to where the ball is headed.
4. Do not fight over the ball. Do not run at full speed because you could easily knock one of the younger or smaller children down.
5. Choose a teacher or a teaching assistant to referee in order to keep things fair.

Funnel ball is a game that is versatile enough to accommodate any number of variations in rules. For example, extra points could be awarded for scoring some pre-determined number, the number for every score could be doubled, or the number for every score could be halved. Small variations like this will help keep children's minds on the game and will hone their elementary math skills. The main thing to remember is to play fair and have fun.

After all, you can't spell "funnel ball" without "fun".


Also, your shot is so heroic. How large is the game? The version on the Burke site looks kid-friendly (if not pocketbook-friendly. It's $683.00).

Suzanne Dell'Orto said...

The Funnel Ball game in the park is as tall as a basketball hoop...I don't know many kindergartners who can throw that high!