Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pudding, Cupcakes, Mad Hatter's Tea Party

Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland opened this weekend and from what I've read so far, it may not be as big a hit as the show at MoMA, which has been packing them in. Tim Burton can sure draw a crowd—but wacky, scary, bizaare, or not, Burton really can draw. Beautifully. I plan to go to the show again just to see the film he made as his graduation project from Cal Arts (something about the Celery Stalker slays me) Another fave is an ink drawing of a garret, done for the movie Sweeney Todd. Lovely and simple, it awaits Depp and blood.

Screen shot is from the MoMA site


Rob L. said...

In general, I think even Tim Burton's failures usually have something interesting in them. Which is appropriate, since his running theme seems to be sincere, misguided loners/losers.

Beth Tondreau said...

Loners rock!