Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Town vs Gown

By now, Suzanne, Rob and Nina have probably arrived at the home of famiglia in Bloomington, Indiana. I’m keeping Suzanne's vacation in mind while keeping up with the news. One current discussion notes that the fracas between Professor Henry Louis Gates and Sgt. James Crowley may be less about race and more about class—or "Town vs Gown." Such a divide makes me think of "Breaking Away," my favorite (OK only) movie set in Bloomington and made back in the day (1979). A coming of age story, the movie focuses one young dreamer of a cutter (townie) who overcomes his fear of going over to the other side and becoming a gownie. Indiana meets Italiana. Wonderful soundtrack. Charming Dennis Christopher. Oh-so-young Dennis Quaid.

Weird html trivia: Drafting a blog entry in InDesign, with Smart Quotes as part of the program's preferences, confuses the html, which won't create viable links.

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