Friday, June 26, 2009

Guest Reporter at Large: Anél Henning

I got an invitation to a book launch, but couldn't make it. Luckily, Miss Anél Henning went and gives us her report!

Anél says, "I attended a book signing tonight for The Handy Book of Artistic Printing: A Collection of Letterpress Examples with Specimens of Type, Ornament, Corner Fills, Borders, Twisters, Wrinklers, and other Freaks of Fancy by Doug Clouse and Angela Voulangas."

"The party was at Bowne & Co., Stationers in the heart of South Street Seaport. I really enjoyed the launch and was extremely impressed by the overall design of the book as well as the examples of type specimens and letterpress design collections."

1 comment:

Beth Tondreau said...

Lovely post, lovely type. The book looks like a typographer's dream.